Going Beyond Interviews


“Always pass on what you have learned” — Yoda

Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen over 100,000 professionals accelerate their careers while building meaningful relationships. Inspired by our users’ willingness to help each other and the immense value created, as a result, we’ve decided to leverage the power of our community and expand beyond interview preparation.

After spending some time thinking and experimenting with various use cases, we decided to bring you in on the discussion. We’re excited to announce that next week will be Pramp’s Community Week, during which you’ll be able to collaborate with other community members in new and exciting ways.


The peer-to-peer sessions you’ll be able to try out next week include:

Networking: Networking is essential to advancing your career, whether it be to get a job or learn from other professionals in your field. Networking on Pramp will give you the opportunity to connect with others, vocalize your interests and career objectives, and form relationships with people you likely wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet. You’ll get to practice being a good listener, while also working on engaging your peer around your professional interests and projects.

Public Speaking: Improve your ability to convince, motivate, and inform an audience, whether it be through giving a presentation at work or pitching your startup idea. Practicing public speaking on Pramp will allow you to sharpen your ability to thoughtfully present and communicate your ideas. Following the session, you and your peer will each evaluate each other’s delivery of the presentation, as well as its structure, flow, tone, and content.

Collaborative Coding: Successfully collaborating with another developer is a core skill necessary for any professional project or workplace environment. In this session, you’ll work with a peer to solve a coding challenge. The goal of the session is to come up with better solutions together than you could each do individually, as well as to expose yourself to new ideas or ways of thinking.

Career Advice: Getting advice from an independent third party on a career issue can be invaluable. Some examples of career-related problems you may face include: navigating salary negotiations, transitioning to a new role, or dealing with a difficult coworker. Whatever the situation, you’ll get to work through a problem with a peer who can view your situation objectively and offer a fresh perspective, while still having your best interests at heart.

Pair Debugging: Explaining a technical problem to another person is a great way to solve it. Through the process, you’ll either figure the problem out yourself by having to explain it, or you’ll be able to get help from another developer with a fresh perspective. In this session, you’ll take turns sharing technical issues you’re currently facing and describe the problem space, system functionality, feature scope, any relevant technology and architecture, and of course, the problem you’d like help with before working to solve it with your peer.

Ideation: Like the career advice session, you’ll get the chance to share a problem you’re facing, but this time, regarding a professional project. Some examples of ideation issues could vary from architecture choice to user growth, recruiting, and beyond — any issue where you could use a thought partner. The goal is not necessarily to find a single correct solution to your problem, but rather to brainstorm with a peer to come up with new directions to explore.

Phew! That’s a lot.

Let’s do this!

Is there anything else you’d want to use Pramp for? Let us know!
You can reach us at team@pramp.com or on Discord!

This is only our first stab at finding new ways for you and your peers to support each other beyond interview preparation. As an early stage startup, it’s important for us to iterate quickly, so stay in touch.

See you next week,
The Pramp Team

